• Sunday, 07 July 2024

Outdoor Eid Prayer History, Who Was the Initiator?

Outdoor Eid Prayer History, Who Was the Initiator?
para pemimpin bangsa (Soekarno, Hatta, dan lainnya) sedang Salat Idul Fitri di Lapangan Banteng | ANRI

SEAToday.com, Jakarta-Eid prayers in Indonesia are often held in mosques and outdoors. Prayers in mosques show mosques as Moslems' place of worship, and prayers outdoors are often carried out during Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha. It's like the field is designated for worshippers during Eid.

Since when do Moslems in Indonesia perform Eid prayers outdoors?

It all started when Muhammadiyah founder Kiai Haji Ahmad Dahlan returned to Indonesia from Mecca. He brought with him the knowledge he absorbed during his time in the city. In 1912, the man, born Muhammad Darwis, established Muhammadiyah, with the mission to restore the original Islamic teachings in accordance with the Quran and sunnah.

Muhammadiyah's presence shook Indonesia because of its mission. One of their most historic breakthroughs was setting the start and end of the fasting period in accordance to hisab, which, according to Indonesian Ulemma Council (MUI), means counting. Therefore, they determined the fasting period by the calculations of falak or astronomy.

Holding Eid Prayer Outdoors

Another breakthrough Muhammadiyah carried out was holding outdoor Eid prayers, in accordance to the sunnah. At that time, most people thought Eid prayers can only be performed at the house or, if possible, the mosque. This became a concern of Muhammadiyah's, as people prayed outdoors during the time of Prophet Muhammad, with the aim of gathering and celebrating the day of victory in one location.

However, even until Kiai Haji Ahmad Dahlan's death in 1923, that initiative couldn't be realized. Only in 1925 did Muhammadiyah, under the leadership of Kiai Ibrahim, held outdoor Eid prayer at the northern square of the Yogyakarta Palace. At that time, around 5 thousand worshippers performed the Eid prayer.

Triggering the Dutch's Anger

The initiative wasn't immediately welcomed by everyone. The conservatives and the Dutch East Indies government felt the outdoor prayer disturbed order and security.

The Dutch started preventing and even dispersing worshippers on the field. They declared that organizers must have permission to hold outdoor Eid prayers, and their move was perceived as fear of Moslems uniting. Muhammadiyah fought back.

"In the 23rd Muhammadiyah congress in Yogyakarta in 1934, it was decided that every branch that will hold outdoor Eid prayers does not need permission from the police, they only need to notify them. If they were forced to obtain permission, it should only be done once and the permission should be in effect for all time throughout Indonesia," said M. Nasruddin Anshoriy Ch in "Matahari Pembaruan: Rekam Jejak K.H. Ahmad Dahlan" (2010).

They pressured the Dutch East Indies government by saying that outdoor Eid prayers don't need permission, only notification. As the Dutch didn't want the problem to develop, or face the Moslems, they agreed with the result of the congress. Since then, Eid prayers are performed massively all throughout Indonesia.

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