Refreshing Yakult Fruit Ice, a Simple and Delicious Iftar Treat!, Jakarta - Ramadan is always associated with refreshing iftar treats that quench thirst after a full day of fasting. One of the most popular drinks is fruit ice. This time, let’s make Yakult Fruit Ice—fresh, healthy, and super easy to prepare at home!
- Green grapes, as needed
- Cherry tomatoes, as needed
- Sunkist orange, as needed
- Blueberries, as needed
- 1 bottle of Yakult
- Ice cubes, as needed
- 50 ml of mineral water
- Wash all the fruits thoroughly to keep them fresh and hygienic.
- Cut the green grapes into four pieces, then slice the cherry tomatoes and Sunkist orange in half.
- Put all the fruit into a serving bowl or a large glass.
- Add ice cubes to keep it cool and refreshing.
- Pour Yakult over the fruit, then add the mineral water.
- Stir well until all ingredients are perfectly mixed.
Yakult Fruit Ice is ready to accompany your iftar moment. The fresh fruit blends perfectly with the sweet and creamy taste of Yakult, making your iftar even more special!
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