Nutritionists Share Optimal Eating Patterns for Fasting, Jakarta - A nutritionist from Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM) in Jakarta emphasized that dietary patterns during fasting remain fundamentally the same as on regular days, with the only difference being the timing of meals.
"Managing your diet while fasting follows the same principles as on any other day, with adjustments only in meal scheduling," said RSCM nutritionist Fitri Hudayani as quoted on Antara in Jakarta on Monday.
On regular days, people typically consume three main meals and two snacks. However, during fasting, Fitri suggests adjusting this to two main meals and three snack sessions. Nutritional needs should still be tailored to individual requirements based on age, gender, and daily activities.
Fitri recommends breaking the fast with dates and drinking water or warm tea. After performing the Maghrib prayer, a complete meal consisting of staple foods, animal and plant-based proteins, vegetables, and fruits should follow. After the Taraweeh prayer, a light snack can be consumed, while Suhoor should also include a well-balanced meal.
Separately, the Head of the Indonesian Clinical Nutrition Specialists Association (PDGKI) Banten Branch, Dr. Dian Permatasari, MGizi, SpGK, advised against excessive consumption of sugary foods such as refined sugar, cakes, and pastries during fasting.
Instead, she recommends consuming complex carbohydrates like rice, bread, whole wheat, noodles, or pasta, along with protein sources such as fish, eggs, chicken, tofu, tempeh, or milk, complemented by vitamin- and mineral-rich vegetables and fruits.
"These should be consumed both at Suhoor and Iftar. Essentially, fasting alters only the meal schedule, but daily nutritional needs must still be met," Dian explained as quoted on Antara.
She also noted that individuals undergoing weight-loss diets can continue their programs while fasting, as well as those managing conditions like diabetes or kidney disorders.
"Fasting should not disrupt an ongoing diet plan, as the only change is in meal timing, not the nutritional requirements," she concluded as quoted on Antara.
Writer: Andi Raisa Malaha Thambas
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