Doctor Advises Gradual Eating and Drinking During Suhoor and Iftar, Jakarta - Nutrition expert Dr. Lucy Widasari, M.Si, highlights the importance of eating and drinking gradually during suhoor and iftar to maintain optimal health during fasting.
According to her, meals and hydration during suhoor should not be consumed too close to imsak. It is essential to drink enough fluids, ideally around 700-800 ml, slightly more than a standard 600 ml bottled water. However, she advises against drinking large amounts all at once.
"Don't chug it down immediately, because the body has a mechanism that causes excessive urination when too much liquid is consumed at once. Drink gradually. Also, don’t delay suhoor until the last minute," Lucy Widasari said, as quoted on Antara, during a discussion in Jakarta on Wednesday.
She explained that sudden intake could lead to increased urination, blood sugar spikes, and weakness throughout the day.
For suhoor, she recommends consuming complex carbohydrates such as corn rice, brown rice, whole wheat, and barley. These options are nutrient-dense, rich in fiber, and help maintain stable blood sugar levels. High-quality proteins, including dairy, are also beneficial for sustaining energy throughout the day, while healthy fats help prolong satiety.
"If protein intake is sufficient, the body will use fat reserves instead of breaking down muscle protein," she added as quoted on Antara.
For iftar, Lucy advises breaking the fast gradually and in moderation to prevent acid reflux and bloating.
"Our digestive system is in a resting state, so it shouldn't be shocked with sudden heavy intake. Start with water and, if available, dates. Allow about 15 minutes before continuing with simple carbohydrates," said the nutritionist as quoted on Antara.
Writer: Andi Raisa Malaha Thambas
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