• Selasa, 18 Maret 2025

Communication Ministry and Religious Affairs Set Record with 352,057 Quran Recitations in One Day

Communication Ministry and Religious Affairs Set Record with 352,057 Quran Recitations in One Day
Source: komdigi.go.id

SEAToday.com, Jakarta -  The Ministry of Communication and Digital (Komdigi), along with the Religious Affairs Ministry and Istiqlal Mosque, set a record with the Indonesian World Records Museum (MURI) for the most simultaneous Quran recitations (Khatam) with 352,057 recitations in one day.

This was part of the "Indonesia Quran Khatam" program held on March 16, involving various community elements, including mosques, Religious Affairs Offices, Islamic boarding schools, and others. 

As part of digital support, Komdigi developed an app for participant registration, tracking the number of khatam recitations, and a regionalization system that recorded contributions from different areas.

The Communication and Digital Minister, Meutya Hafid, said on Monday (3/17), "Digitization can strengthen unity in worship. We are proud to help the public make history with this national Quran khatam. Going forward, we hope to see more digital initiatives that benefit the wider community."

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