• Rabu, 12 Maret 2025

Domestic Flight Ticket Prices Drop by 13-14 Percent During Eid, Says Minister of Transportation

Domestic Flight Ticket Prices Drop by 13-14 Percent During Eid, Says Minister of Transportation
A number of prospective airplane passengers queue at the location. (ANTARA/HO-Humas Kemenhub)

SEAToday.com, Jakarta - Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Dudy Purwagandhi announced that domestic economy-class flight ticket prices will be reduced by 13-14 percent during the 2025 Eid travel period. This policy aims to facilitate travel for people planning to go home for the holiday.

"This policy is a concrete commitment from the government to provide ease and relief for those who want to celebrate Eid al-Fitr in their hometowns," said the Minister in a statement in Jakarta on Sunday (3/2).

The government has officially lowered domestic economy-class flight ticket prices as part of President Prabowo Subianto’s directive. This initiative aims to ease the financial burden on the public while ensuring smooth and comfortable travel during the Eid transportation period.

The announcement was made during a press conference at Terminal 2 of Soekarno-Hatta Airport, Tangerang, on Saturday (March 1). The event was attended by Coordinating Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY), Minister of Transportation Dudy Purwagandhi, Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani, Minister of State-Owned Enterprises Erick Thohir, Minister of Public Works and Housing Dody Hanggodo, Deputy Minister of Tourism Ni Luh Puspa, and Cabinet Secretary Teddy Indra Wijaya.

Minister Dudy explained that the ticket price reduction will be in effect for 15 days, from March 24 to April 7, 2025, with ticket purchases available from March 1 to April 7, 2025.

"We want to ensure that people can enjoy more affordable and comfortable travel, especially during an important occasion like Eid," he added.

This policy is also part of the implementation of President Prabowo Subianto’s Asta Cita program, which focuses on improving public welfare and enhancing public services.

In addition to reducing ticket prices, the government is committed to ensuring sufficient flight capacity during the Eid homecoming period. The Ministry of Transportation will oversee the availability of adequate airline fleets to maintain passenger safety and comfort.

"Our focus is not only on lowering ticket prices but also on improving service quality and flight safety. We will ensure sufficient flight capacity so that people can travel safely and comfortably," said the Minister.

Meanwhile, Coordinating Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development AHY added that this policy is the result of cross-ministerial collaboration and cooperation with aviation industry stakeholders.

"All parties are working together to ensure that this ticket price reduction directly benefits the public," said AHY.

He also revealed that the government has successfully reduced aviation fuel costs and airport service fees at 37 airports across Indonesia.

"In addition, there is an incentive in the form of a 6 percent Value-Added Tax (VAT) reduction covered by the government. This demonstrates the government's concern for people who want to return home to celebrate Eid with their families," he explained.

Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani also stated that the government has issued Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) No. 18 of 2025 regarding partial VAT subsidies for domestic economy-class flight tickets.

"With this policy, all economy-class domestic flight tickets purchased between March 1 and April 7, 2025, for travel between March 24 and April 7, 2025, will only be subject to a 5 percent VAT, while the remaining 6 percent will be covered by the government," explained Sri Mulyani.

This policy is effective immediately. However, for those who purchased tickets before March 1, the VAT reduction will not apply.

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